Title page of 8/SRPEN 2003
This advertising monthly magazine is sent free of charge to cca 3 000 companies in the Czech Republic. It is of course possible to publish both in English, English and Czech or in Czech only. These companies are mainly manufacturers of AWP, entertaining halls, operators, representatives and organizators of Exhibitions, agencies etc. Trh zabavy is the only magazine of this relation on the Czech Market and is sent also to Slovakia and Poland (partly to Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary, Ireland, the Ukraine and Russia).

Furthermore we have exhibition stands in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, IMA Show - Germany, ATEI Show - United Kingdom. Trh zabavy is also given out on every important exhibitions in Europe. Registered companies in abroad pay only the charge of postage.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will give you all the information.

Our address:
     Kapeya s.r.o.
     Kramlova 332/1
     197 00 Praha 9 - Kbely
     Czech Republic
     tel.: (+420) 283 933 744
     tel., fax: (+420) 283 933 644
     e-mail: info@trhzabavy.cz

Pavel Janousek

Mgr. Alena Jiranova

Petra Chmelarova
     Advertising and promotion
     tel.: +420 602 65 39 97

Sona Matejkova

Conditions for advertisements:

Form of advertisement Price without VAT
Whole page colour (A4 size) 750 EUR
Whole page B/W (A4 size) 280 EUR
Half page B/W (1/2 of A4) 180 EUR
Quarter page B/W (1/4 of A4) 100 EUR

Advertisements on films: 150 lpi, closing date is on 15th day of each month. Edition is 6000-8000 copies per month.